Conferences |
It is our pleasure to announce the IWA Regional Conference and Exhibition on Membrane Technology and Water Reuse (IWA-MTWR-2010) in Istanbul-Turkey.
This conference is jointly organized by IWA, Istanbul Technical University and ISTAC (Special Company of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality) from October 18 to 22, 2010.
IWA Specialized Groups of Membrane Technology and Water Reuse organize specialized conferences every two years separetely. This regional conference organized in Istanbul is the first conference organized jointly by Membrane Technology and Water Reuse groups of IWA. It presents the advances in membrane technology and water reuse and provides a perfect atmosphere to make contacts between researchers, professionals and engineers working on membrane technology and water reuse. The topics of the conference will cover almost all the areas of membrane technology and water reuse.
Istanbul is the cultural capital city of Europe in 2010 and this conference in going to be an event under cultural capital city celebrations in 2010.
The following are the conferences held during the last two years and the meetings planned over the next two years.
1. The regional conference on membrane technology was held in Moscow, Russia during 2-4 June 2008. The awards for the student best paper were presented.
2. The 5th IWA Specialist Membrane Technology Conference was held in Beijing, China in September 2009. During this event, Prof. Yamamoto of University of Tokyo was honored with the inaugural membrane technology award for his innovative work on submerged membrane bioreactors. The awards for the best poster and best student poster were also presented.
The next 6th IWA Specialist Membrane Technology Conference will be held in Aachen, Germany during 4-7 October 2011. The deadline for the paper submission is on 15 December 2010.
The recommendation for the candidate for the 2nd Membrane Technology Award is solicited from the members. The awards will be presented during the Aachen conference.
3. The first Joint conference with European Desalination Society (EDS) on "Membranes for drinking and industrial water treatment" was held in Trondheim, Norway during 27-30 June 2010. The next regional conference with EDS will be organised in 2012. One of the candidates for the venue of the next meeting is Czech Republic.
4. The joint regional conference with Water Reuse Group - IWA Regional Conference and Exhibition on Membrane Technology and Water Reuse was successfully taken place at Istanbul, Turkey during 18-22 October, 2010.
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